What almost always happens after you are involved in a motor vehicle accident? You contact or are contacted by an investigator or claim representative from your car insurance company. The insurance representative normally asks about the details of the accident, including property damage, personal injuries, the date, time and location of accident, and other details that were relevant to the accident. Often consumers believe that this information is solely used to complete their claim or get a proper settlement, but they would be wrong.
Where Does Your Claim Information Go After an Accident?
After insurance companies have gathered your claim information, they submit the information to the Insurance Claims Index Service, which acts a nationwide database for information on all auto accident, workers compensation, and homeowner claims. Provided by Insurance Services Office, Inc., the database is advertised to insurance carriers nationwide as “A-PLUS” which is an acronym for “Automobile-Property Loss Underwriting Service.” Want to know how it works? The company states that:
“When a person or business submits an insurance application to an A-PLUS participating insurer, the underwriter — or an authorized insurance agent — can request a search of the A-PLUS database. The request includes brief information about the applicant and the vehicle or vehicles. The A-PLUS system then searches the database for previous claims filed by that person or business — or claims filed by other individuals or businesses on the same vehicle or vehicles. The system summarizes the search results and returns a report to the underwriter or agent.”
Click HERE to see a sample auto report that an insurance representative would get when they complete a search using the A-PLUS Auto Database. Note that this report even includes information about the claim status and the amount paid to the claimant.
Almost all auto insurance carriers have subscribed to the A-PLUS Auto Database. To be more specific, approximately 980 auto insurers — representing nearly 93 percent of the U.S. private passenger premium volume — have committed to reporting to the A-PLUS database. So the odds are that the company that is handling your claim has indexed your accident and is likely to perform a search of your potential past auto claims.
How this effects your personal injury claim
If you are seeking an attorney to handle your auto accident claim, it is extremely important to inform your attorney of your complete injury claim history. By providing the attorney with a complete list of previous injuries and claims, the attorney will be able to properly obtain all relevant medical records that will help avoid delay for the resolution of your current claim.
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